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Strategic Plan Year-End Report - 2023-2024

  • Jun 23, 2024
  • Carole Gagnon


The School District’s 2023-2024 Action Plan, first shared with the Board of Education in September 2023, identified a number of commitments to be addressed over the course of the school year to intentionally move the district towards the successful attainment of the goals identified in the Strategic Plan ‘Engage, Ignite, Empower’.  


Specifically, those goals include:


   All students will realize their full potential.

   We will honour and respect culture, diversity & inclusion.

   We will facilitate well-being across the district.


A total of 11 commitments provided the direction for district staff across all departments over the course of the school year, ranging from somewhat to extremely comprehensive in scope and complexity. 


Throughout the year and on a monthly basis, District Leadership Team members tracked their progress on implementing their action plan commitments, speaking to their work and its impact regularly in district, Committee and Board meetings.  


In June 2024, the same District Leadership Team members provided their final progress reports to the Superintendent, which were collated and shared with the Board of Education for review at the virtual Regular (Public) Board Meeting held on June 19.


Access the 2023-2024 Strategic Plan Year-End Report - June 2024