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  • May 10, 2023
  • Tess Ture

On May 11, school districts across the province and Canada are invited to participate in Moose Hide Campaign Day as a commitment to reconciliation and ending gender-based violence in Canada.  This year’s theme is “Storytelling to create change” and there will be K-12 specific livestreams and pre-recorded workshops for all grade levels.   Schools can register their participation and access free resources and lesson plans through the Moose Hide Campaign website.

A cornerstone of the Moose Hide Campaign is the moose hide pin (displayed to the left).  Coast Mountains School District ordered Moose Hide Campaign pins for school staff to wear on May 11 to signify their commitment to honour, respect, and protect the women and children in their life and speak out against gender-based violence.   School Principals have been provided with Moose Hide Campaign pins for School Staff – please reach out to your School Principal for a moose hide pin to wear on May 11 to show your commitment and support.

The Moose Hide Campaign began as a BC-born Indigenous-led grassroots movement to engage men and boys in ending violence towards women and children.  Now is in its tenth year and has pledged to distribute 10 million pins across Canada to inspire 10 million discussions about ending violence against women and children.  It has since grown into a nationwide movement of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians from local communities, First Nations, governments, schools, colleges/universities, police forces and many other organizations – all committed to taking action to end this violence.  In response to the history of the Highway of Tears, thousands of communities and organizations across Canada have held Moose Hide Campaign events and joined the annual Moose Hide Campaign Day ceremony and fast.  People of all ages, genders and backgrounds are invited to take part in Moose Hide Campaign activities.

Education is key to ending violence against women and children.  Begin the Journey of Reconciliation.  Play a practical, measurable and impactful role in advancing reconciliation and ending violence against Indigenous and Non-Indigenous women and children.